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Allianz, Suncorp and Genworth among leaders on gender equality

Six insurers are among 90 organisations cited in the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality list.

This year’s citations recognise employer commitment and best practice in promoting equality. 

The insurers are Allianz, Genworth, Suncorp, AMP, TAL and Teachers Health Fund.

WGEA Director Libby Lyons says the list shows more employers are taking a “sophisticated and whole-of-organisation” approach to supporting equal participation at all levels.

“These employers are at the front line of driving positive change, as they set the gold standard for inclusive workplaces,” she said. “Employers increasingly understand and value the benefits of having a diverse workforce for organisational culture and business performance.”

Applicants for the citation were required to consult with staff to demonstrate gender equality initiatives translate into “lived experience”.

Allianz MD Niran Peiris says gender equality is “inextricably linked to our success and growth”.

“While we still have a way to go on our journey, my management team is fully supportive of the initiatives we have in place and we will continue to work to build on those to achieve gender equality in the workplace,” Mr Peiris said.

The WGEA says cited employers implement policies such as measurement and disclosure of gender pay gaps; enhanced paid parental leave for men; a strategic approach to flexibility; targeted succession and recruitment for critical roles; and enhanced efforts to shift organisational culture towards outcomes-based work, rather than hours spent at the desk.