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Allianz manager calls out community racism

An Allianz manager has described being targeted by people concerned about COVID-19.

Writing a personal post on LinkedIn, Allianz Australia GM Actuarial & Analytics Mimi Shepherd says she was in her local supermarket in Sydney when an elderly lady shouted at her to stay away from her.

“I was shocked, hurt and so very disappointed,” she says. “I am (mostly) ok. I have a reasonable sense of perspective and can give back as good as I get.

“But this is now the second time I have been yelled at in the past couple of weeks. Both times I was with my (Aussie-born-and-bred) husband.

“He wasn’t yelled at. Neither were any of the other half dozen or so locals in the fruit and veg section that afternoon. It was me; and it has been unexpectedly traumatic.”

Ms Shepherd says nobody should have to put up with such “angry, ugly, sentiment”.

“This kind of behaviour is spreading,” she warns. “It is a contagion being bred out of this pandemic. The first time, I ignored it. This second time, I say something. I hope there is not a third time. I hope we are not reverting to this sort of ugliness en masse.”

Ms Shepherd says she wrote the post because she “cannot sit by and accept that this is becoming our new norm”.

“I will not stoop to their level, but I will not avoid calling out unfair behaviour either. I hope you too will call it out if you see someone being subjected to it.

“I know this may have happened to a lot of you out there and you may have dismissed it. But it shouldn’t happen. Ever. And we shouldn’t dismiss it. Ever.

“Other than a very small minority, our families are all migrants to this country. Let’s stay kind.”