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AICLA member poll rates education over lobbying

Members of the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters (AICLA) have backed the organisation’s work as an education and accreditation provider, a new survey has revealed.

The survey was conducted by AICLA to determine how the organisation is viewed by its members and to establish areas for improvement.

More than 70% of respondents believe the organisation is doing a good job in its education and accreditation function, and when asked what activities AICLA should be focusing on 53% cited providing qualifications through the Diploma of Loss Adjusting.

Lobbying government agencies on issues affecting loss adjusters was ranked as the top priority by just 15% of respondents, well ahead of lobbying the Insurance Council of Australia on issues affecting loss adjusters at 8%.

The internet was rated as the most popular mechanism for training delivery, with 35% listing it as their preferred method. But only 48% had visited AICLA’s continuing professional development online facility, and of those that had 50% said they were unsure whether they liked it.

In a move away from annual conference-style training delivery, more than 80% of respondents said they would like to see more education seminars and workshops offered at division level instead.

AICLA Administration Officer Tony Libke told the purpose of the survey was to “make sure we’re on the right track and we’re in sync with members needs”.

The AICLA board will examine the survey results in detail at its next meeting in May.