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Adjusters fly out for AICLA’s Shanghai convention

Claims professionals from across the Asia-Pacific region are converging on Shanghai this week for the first Asian Claims Convention, which has been organised by the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters (AICLA).

The two-day conference, which begins on Wednesday, has attracted more than 100 delegates from markets across the region.

AICLA Executive Officer Tony Libke told claims professionals from Europe have also signed on to attend.

“We’re delighted with the diversity of the markets that delegates are coming from,” he said. “There will be plenty of delegates from Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and Taiwan joining their counterparts from Chinese and Hong Kong companies.”

Mr Libke says setting up the Asian Claims Convention was “a necessary challenge for an Australian-based organisation with strong representation in Asia”.

“We expect it will become an annual event for AICLA.”

The convention theme is Claims Globalisation, and speakers come from Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia and Australasia. A simultaneous English and Mandarin translation service will be provided.