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Actuaries honour teacher

John Pollard, the Professor of Actuarial Studies at Macquarie University, has become only the third person to be awarded the Institute of Actuaries in Australia’s silver medal. The medal, which was presented at the IAA’s Gold Coast conference, recognises his contribution through education and research. Prof Pollard has trained more than 500 of Australia’s 1140 actuaries.

The Financial Services Reform Bill heads into the parliamentary committee system this week, with two days set aside for deliberations before the third reading debate begins later this month.

The legislation is still believed to be on target, although Canberra sources are still casting doubts on the ability of all parties to have it ready for enactment by October 1. January 1 is still a fair bet.

Meanwhile, ASIC has released another set of weighty tomes on how it will administer the new legislation.