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Workers’ comp consent form helps brokers meet privacy rules

A WA workers’ compensation personal information consent form has been developed to help brokers assist clients following reforms that include privacy restrictions.

The reforms that took effect last month include arrangements allowing insurers to collect, use and disclose personal information in dealing with a worker’s claim, but they are not authorised to pass on details to brokers.

As a result, brokers seeking access to confidential information must obtain written consent from the worker involved.

The National Insurance Brokers Association and the Insurance Council of Australia have worked together to develop an approved industry-wide consent form.

“There is still much work to be done on this issue to ensure brokers can continue to support their WA clients,” NIBA CEO Richard Klipin said. “Nonetheless, this form demonstrates the importance of the industry coming together to solve collective issues.”

NIBA says the form will help members meet their obligations and continue supporting clients while it works with WorkCover WA to advocate for a pragmatic long-term solution.

The approved form was developed following consultations with brokers, insurers and independent legal advisers.