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Time running out for Aspire submissions  

Applications for this year's Hollard and Steadfast-sponsored Aspire Women Leaders Program will close on July 31. 

The 12-month developmental program, available to female brokers in the Steadfast network, offers a curated set of courses and initiatives to help support participants' viability for senior leadership positions. 

The initiative’s eligibility requirements are tailored towards applicants with at least 10 years of insurance experience who currently hold or aspire to have leadership roles.   

Hollard says the program aims to address inequalities within the industry by providing participants with an opportunity to grow both "personally and professionally".  

"One of the hurdles that women face is the ability to attend networking and sponsorship events due to wide and varied level of commitments beyond work," Hollard says.  

"This program provides an opportunity for a sustained support network based on meaningful relationships developed over time."  

Participants who complete the program will receive a Certificate in Executive Management and Development from the Australian Graduate Scheme of Management at the UNSW Business School and credits toward a Master of Business Administration.   

Hollard says the course, which is valued at $25,000, will be offered free of charge. It also requires applicants to have support from their employer to take part in the program and sponsor travel and accommodation costs.   

Applications for the program will be processed between August and September before it begins in October.  

Click here for application information.