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‘Not your average 76-year-old’: Steadfast’s Kelly explains tenure extension

Steadfast Group founder Robert Kelly says filling two crucial executive positions enables him to focus on strategic direction and continue leading the business.

As has reported, Mr Kelly has confirmed his intention to continue as MD and CEO, and that he will not tender a required 12-month notice under existing employment arrangements before December 31 2025.

This is a two-year extension on previously provided dates, and means he could lead the business through to the end of 2026.

He told that the recruitment of former local AIG CEO Nigel Fitzgerald as COO, and the appointment of Samantha Hollman to the CEO International Assets role, means he can cut his number of reports and reduce his involvement in day-to-day duties.

“I needed to get rid of a lot of the operational things that I do now,” he said.

“If this business is to go forward in a couple of different ways – to explore and understand the North American market and also to develop our UnisonSteadfast business – I needed to put someone super-smart next to me to help with Australia, and I needed to give somebody the international CEO role.

“That gives us the basis to free me up from a lot of things and allow my strategic direction to work over the top of both those sides of the business.

“The market says to me, with Nigel coming in and Sam moving to the international area does this mean you are going to leave?

“And the answer is no, I’m not. I’m going to work side-by-side with these excellent people. To do that we’ve got to have a little bit of a runway.

“So the extension is to give comfort to the market that the perceived skill I have in the business will not go away.”

As reported last month, Steadfast has been investigating options to possibly expand its US presence.

“We are getting very close to being able to say what we are going to do in North America,” Mr Kelly said. 

Mr Kelly, 76, will be almost 80 by the time his notice period ends under the timeframe outlined in last week’s announcement.

But he says he has no desire to retire.

“Am I tired, am I looking forward to a place in the sun? No. I’m still alive and I’m still full of energy and ideas.

“I think I’m not an average 76-year-old. Until I lose that spark I’m still capable of driving the business.

“I know quite a few people around the world that are running insurance companies well into their 70s. 

“If I’m adding value and not tired, then I’m happy to keep working.”

Mr Kelly co-founded Steadfast in 1996 and has more than 50 years’ experience in the insurance industry. The group will mark 10 years since listing on the ASX in August, and has continued to expand rapidly in that time.