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MGA celebrates annual conference in Hobart   

MGA Group representatives and industry partners from across the country attended this year’s MGA Brokers Conference at the Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hobart.   

The event, which began on August 27, had the theme Evolution – Driving the Future, with MGA MD Paul George and Executive Chairman John George giving speeches on the company’s position.   

The speeches touched on key topics, including the return to offices following covid-related disruptions and renewed efforts to expand national operations.   

The conference also featured a market update from Macquarie Group insurance analyst Andrew Buncombe, a presentation on cyber insurance led by Insurance Training Australia founder Oren Jacobi, as well as addresses from keynote speakers Luke Richmond and Simon Kuestenmacher.  

MGA Horsham Portfolio Manager Anthony Blake says the event speakers provided valuable insights and encouraged attendees “to adapt to where the future is heading rather than trying to remain in the current or past”. 

MGA says the event was attended by 138 attendees.