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Leukaemia fundraiser to honour broker 

The family of Robert Cooper will hold a second leukaemia research fundraising lunch in July.

The former director of CPR Insurance Services in Brisbane died aged 61 in February last year after a battle with blood cancer.

The Leukaemia Foundation fundraiser will be on July 9 at the city’s Prince Consort Hotel. Last year’s event raised $27,000.

“Celebrate the life of Robert with us and help others on this difficult journey. Let’s make the journey of leukaemia and blood cancers easier for the patients and their families, as well as vital research into treatment and cures,” Mr Cooper’s widow and CPR director Mandy Cooper said.

The lunch will feature an auction, guest speakers and live entertainment.

Mr Cooper worked with the National Insurance Brokers Association’s mentoring program and was a 2020 Queensland broker of the year finalist.

Buy tickets here.