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Insurance House Advance hosts annual conference 

Insurance House Advance says its Annual Partner Conference was a success, with more than 220 network members attending the three-day event in Hobart.  

The conference, between September 21 and 23, had the theme “A Whole New World”, with a focus on improving the network’s communication and connection with insurers and partners.  

Speaking at her first conference as GM, Melissa Starfield credited the work of her predecessor, Jim Karafilis, while also emphasising her own focus on the company’s future goals.  

“Looking ahead, the future is filled with promise and potential,” Ms Starfield said. “Our vision is clear – to achieve growth, foster innovation, and streamline efficiencies.”  

The event concluded with a charity dinner and awards ceremony with Bell Partners named Authorised Partner of the Year, and Dudgeon Berry, Aushine and New Wave were all presented with Business Excellence awards.  

The dinner raised $30,000 for the event’s charity partner, Free 3D Hands. The charity focuses on manufacturing and producing 3D-printed assistance devices for Australians in need.   

Insurance House Advance says next year’s conference will be in Queenstown, New Zealand, marking the firm’s first international Authorised Partner Conference.