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Ignite launches OpenAI-powered chatbot for UK brokers

Software provider Ignite has launched a tool for brokers that uses technology from OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, to answer customer queries within seconds. 

UK-based Ignite, part of Verisk, says its AI Layer tool can reduce reliance on call centres and less advanced chatbots.  

Initially available to Ignite brokers, the launch version will be used by back-office broker staff to assist in answering incoming queries.  

The next phase will see AI responses appear within a supervised live chat service, and Ignite says a standalone product for brokers on legacy software is coming later this year. 

Ignite has been using an AI chatbot for more than 18 months, CEO Toby MacLachlan says. 

“We're using it to save our brokers time in accessing customer data and in responding to customer queries,” he said.  

“The AI revolution is coming to insurance. We’re delighted to be launching a product that makes the power of AI accessible to all brokers. This is only the start of AI’s journey in insurance and we know that being an early adopter will give significant learnings and advantages to Ignite and all our clients.” 

Ignite licenses systems to insurance brokers, MGAs and underwriters. Its platform delivers end-to-end policy management.