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icare expanded claims service provider panel finalised 

NSW state-owned insurer icare has finalised the start of an expanded panel of six claims service providers as part of workers’ compensation scheme reforms that include a stronger focus on psychological injuries. 

CEO Richard Harding says the new claims model will improve the support to 3.2 million workers and 329,000 employers by creating competition between providers, offering more specialist support to injured workers and improving the financial performance of the Nominal Insurer scheme. 

“This new combination of capable, competitive and innovative providers means workers with physical and psychological injuries will receive more early interventions and tailored support when they need it most,” Mr Harding said.  

Allianz, DXC Technology, EML, Gallagher Bassett, GIO and QBE are now managing claims for the Nominal Insurer scheme under the model.  

The new arrangements include a greater focus on psychological injury claims, with Allianz, DXC, EML and Gallagher Bassett offering additional specialised support in that area. 

Employers with an Average Performance Premium (APP) or Group APP of more than $500,000 are currently able to choose a provider and icare plans to expand the eligibility criteria to $200,000 APP or Group APP by the middle of next year. 

Reforms have included the introduction of a Professional Standards Framework that seeks to equip case managers with skills and knowledge to improve health outcomes across the industry. 

icare Group Executive for Workers’ Compensation Tony Wessling says changes to the scheme have been progressively implemented this year and work will continue to be rolled out over a two-year period.  

“It’s an important step forward, that follows three years of work to improve our Nominal Insurer scheme that protects private sector workers,” Mr Wessling said.  

icare says claims model changes are part of an extensive improvement program and follow consultation in 2021 with injured workers, businesses, unions, industry groups, service providers and the community.