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Fraudulent US broker faces years behind bars  

A California-based insurance broker has been given a nine-year prison sentence after he was found to have defrauded nearly $US190,000 ($282,580) from his clients.   

Sonoma County District Attorney Carla Rodriguez says 45-year-old Christopher Ramos stole money from 21 clients from 2013 to 2016 intended for policy premiums, and instead utilised it for personal expenses.   

The California Department of Insurance found that Ramos had falsified certificate of insurance documents to cover his tracks. Ramos had already been serving probation from San Francisco County after he was convicted of similar crimes.   

“Mr Ramos took advantage of his position as a licensed insurance broker and used the trust his clients gave him based on his position to take their money to pay for his personal expenses and support his lifestyle,” Ms Rodriguez said.   

Ramos was convicted of 11 counts of grand theft as a fiduciary, forgery, and an enhancement for stealing more than $100,000 from clients.   

He will be required to serve four years of his sentence in custody before being able to apply for mandatory supervision. He is also required to pay full restitution to the victims, amounting to $US189,850 ($282,357).