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Broker platform WinBEAT NEXT goes live

Ebix Australia has launched its WinBEAT NEXT broking platform.

The software, available on desktop, laptop, mobile and other handheld devices, is designed to improve convenience, performance and operational flexibility for insurance intermediaries.

Ebix says it is offered with a flexible subscription model (starting at quarterly subscriptions), eliminating the need for large upfront investments.

“WinBEAT NEXT is accessible to users anywhere, any time and on any internet-connected device,” it said.

The tool offers seamless integration with Sunrise Exchange electronic underwriting and Sunrise Online Quoting services, iClose e-commerce solutions, web-based quoting systems of participating premium funders, background funding with participating funders, document management systems, banking systems (MPP, NAB), and Ebix Online Payment Gateway. External application programming interface integrations are planned.

Clients will also have access to a full suite of web-based training.