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BIBA’s new CEO pledges to lead from the front 

British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has named a 22-year veteran of the organisation, Graeme Trudgill, as its next CEO. 

BIBA says the promotion of its current Executive Director to replace the retiring CEO Steve White, follows consideration of external and internal candidates by an independent third party. 

“Graeme is a force to be reckoned with in the insurance industry and is the right choice for our next CEO,” BIBA chair Jonathan Evans said. “He has been a key player at BIBA, involved in strategic decisions at the very top for a long time.  

“Graeme has outstanding engagement skills being able to unify multiple stakeholders for the benefit of brokers.”  

Mr Evans, a former UK parliamentarian, says during his political career he had direct experience of Mr Trudgill’s professional approach to lobbying and had no doubt of his success in the new role representing BIBA members. 

Mr Trudgill says he will be leading from the front, using his experience as a broker and 22 years at BIBA, to take the organisation to the next level. 

“I’m in a unique position to understand what members need and to be able to build on the success of Steve’s leadership. We are in the change business, with ever-developing changes to legislation, regulation, technology, risks and customer needs.  

“I am prepared to make necessary adaptations here at BIBA to our approach and activities that will provide the best possible support for members as we move forward.” 

BIBA says Mr Trudgill has been personally responsible for BIBA’s public affairs lobbying with the UK Government and has an in-depth understanding of members’ issues. 

Mr White announced his retirement in May.