Allianz's Michael Winter quizzed over travel insurance

Allianz's Chief GM Retail and Distribution Michael Winter has been quizzed over travel insurance.

Allianz had failed to fix disclosure problems affecting a travel insurance website a week after potential issues were flagged, Counsel Assisting Rowena Orr has highlighted.

The website was being updated in 2015 to give it an “improved look and feel” and also include some new content, but a document compliance sign-off process had not occurred at the point where the new site would be seen by the public.

The company was alerted by an internal legal expert, both just before it went live and a week after the new version was available to the public, that there was a risk that disclaimers and information may not be considered clear disclosure by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Mr Winter said there had been a failure in the process.

“The content should always be reviewed in terms of how it will be presented to the customer,” he said.