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Workers’ comp transition looms in SA

People with work-related injuries and the medics who treat them are being contacted by ReturnToWorkSA as part of a program to help some South Australians transition from workers’ compensation-funded services.

Under the return to work scheme, people may receive income support to cover loss of wages for up to two years, or until retirement age if they are assessed as seriously injured. They may also be entitled to financial support for medical expenses for up to a year after income support ceases, or for life if seriously injured.

For people who were not receiving income support as part of their claim on July 1 last year, when the return to work scheme started, an additional year of financial support for medical expenses was provided. This support ceases on June 30.

ReturnToWorkSA Deputy CEO Rob Cordiner says changes to work injury insurance place an emphasis on better health outcomes through early intervention, personalised services and recovery at work.

“Medical providers should be aware that some of their patients will need their help to prepare for transition from workers’ compensation-funded services to other services available to all South Australians, such as Medicare,” Mr Cordiner said.

ReturnToWorkSA and its claims agents have been contacting injured workers and medical providers since the scheme began in the middle of last year, to ensure they are aware of the upcoming changes.