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WA WorkCover rates rise 3.3%

WorkCover rates in WA will rise by 3.3% for 2011/12, with the average recommended premium rate being 1.547% of total wages.

Chairman Greg Joyce says this is a modest increase from 1.497% of total wages for 2010/11. 

“WA has experienced historically low recommended premium rates over the past few years and this trend continues despite the small increase this year,” he said.

WA WorkCover announced its lowest rates on record last year after wage growth and low claims enabled the authority to reduce rates by 14 percentage points.

Mr Joyce says that of the 480 rating classifications, premium rates in 195 industry classes will fall, 264 will increase and 21 will remain unchanged, reflecting the performance of the different industries. 

NSW has an average premium rate of 1.66% for 2010/11, Queensland 1.3%, Victoria 1.338% and South Australia 2.75%.