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WA Government accepts most bushfire review recommendations

An independent review into the Wooroloo bushfire in WA last year has made 13 recommendations including continuing with efforts to enhance current risk management initiatives and improve community education.

The WA Government says 10 of the recommendations have been accepted in full, one was accepted in-principle and two were noted.

It says the suggestions supported the continuation of existing programs, indicating recent investments in bushfire preparedness have been well targeted.

“The Wooroloo bushfire had a devastating impact on the Perth Hills community, the effects of which are still being felt to this day,” Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson said.

“A significant amount of public money was invested to help the community recover, but the State Government also commissioned this review to ensure we left no stone unturned.

“The review was complementary of the response to the Wooroloo bushfire and made a number of sensible recommendations across several aspects of bushfire management.”

The Wooroloo fires destroyed 86 homes and burned more than 10,000 hectares in the Perth Hills.