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Victoria reviews workers’ comp regime

A leading figure in the Melbourne law establishment has been appointed to review the state’s workers’ compensation legislation.

Peter Hanks QC will report to WorkCover Minister Tim Holding next year on ways the scheme can be streamlined and remain competitive with other states’ workers’ compensation schemes.

Mr Hanks, an expert in administrative law and constitutional law, will “consult extensively” with a “stakeholder reference group” to be established by Mr Holding.

The review exercise is part of the state’s drive to reduce the regulatory burden on employers and make the system more effective. Mr Holding says in a statement that while the underlying benefits of the laws remain sound, “incremental changes have made them unnecessarily complex”.

“Reducing this regulatory burden is not about changing Victoria’s regulatory objectives – it is about ensuring that regulation is achieving its outcome in the most efficient manner,” he said.

The review will investigate ways to provide fair and effective benefit and premium regimes, with other states’ schemes as the basic benchmark.

While Mr Hanks will also identify anomalies in the Accident Compensation Act, the “fundamental need to protect the operational and financial viability of the scheme” is listed as an over-riding consideration.