Victoria lines up workers’ comp overhaul
The Victorian government has introduced a bill to strengthen its workers’ compensation scheme following an independent review of the state’s claims management.
The proposed Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment will allow the WorkSafe and TAC minister to publish a code of claimants’ rights introducing new service standards and requirements for the regulator, its agents and self-insurers.
The obligations will require employers to ensure return-to-work co-ordinators have completed approved training and have reasonable resources and assistance to complete their tasks.
Changes will be made to ensure people with lived experiences are added to WorkSafe’s advisory committees and that an independent review of the scheme occurs at least once every five years.
The bill will also expand support for family members after work-related deaths, including an increase in the weekly pension for dependent children, extended entitlements to provisional payments and new lump sum entitlements. Enhanced funding for therapy services is also included.
The reform seeks to improve operation of the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service by streamlining administrative arrangements for the WorkSafe board, its CEO and hearing loss assessors.
WorkSafe and TAC Minister Ben Carroll said: “The Allan government is standing with injured workers and their families, ensuring they are treated with the respect, care and dignity they deserve in their toughest times.
“Families who have lost loved ones at work will receive the support they need – higher pensions for children, new entitlements for grief, and help to heal from the pain and loss they’ve endured.”