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UAC calls for abolition of fire services levy

The Underwriting Agencies Council (UAC) has called on the Victorian Government to dump the fire services levy in favour of a more equitable scheme of emergency services funding.

Victoria is currently undertaking a review of fire services funding, with submissions to the review closing this Thursday.

UAC Chairman Damien Coates has urged members to also make submissions to the review, reiterating the council’s call for the existing levy scheme to be overhauled in favour of more equitable arrangements.

“UAC believes the costs of funding fire brigades should be equitably shared by the community and the cost should not be borne solely by those who arrange insurance,” he said in the association’s newsletter.

The Victorian Government is expected to finalise its position on fire services funding early next year, taking into account a final report of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission due at the end of this month.