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SIRA releases CTP, workers' comp action plan

The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) has released its roadmap for driving better outcomes and value for money from the workers’ compensation and compulsory third party (CTP) schemes.

The “implementation plan for value-based healthcare” includes 21 initiatives, with some already underway and the remainder set to be introduced by March next year.

The plan responds to the SIRA Healthcare Review which found workers’ compensation scheme costs were rising faster than other healthcare costs, over-servicing was occurring and some provider fees were out-of-step with the market.

The Government-ordered McDougall review, sparked by problems at icare, last year recommended SIRA should develop an accelerated plan for implementing the review’s findings.

SIRA CEO Adam Dent says the ambitious plan will drive improved health outcomes across the sector and the regulator will work collaboratively on its delivery.

“We know that there is room for improvement in WC and CTP schemes in the timeliness and way decisions are made about injured people’s care, how resources are used, and how we determine we are getting the best value in terms of outcomes,” he says.

The plan includes improvements in data quality and measurement, better clinical practice, streamlined administration and developing capability in value-based healthcare, defined as centring the needs of the injured person through directing resources to areas where they will achieve the greatest health outcomes.