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SIRA releases CTP scheme review discussion paper

The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is seeking feedback from injured people, organisations and the public on its planned review of the state’s compulsory third party (CTP) scheme.

SIRA last week released a discussion paper, seeking input on a range of topics to help assess whether the policy objectives of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 - which legislates the scheme - remain valid.

Questions in the discussion paper include whether the defined term of “minor injury” should be changed and the extent of premium competition among CTP insurers.

The National Insurance Brokers Association says members who would like the peak body to make a submission to the review should email their comments to Allyssa Hextell at

The planned review of the CTP scheme was announced in May and is a requirement included in the Motor Accident Injuries Act when it was introduced in 2017.

The paper is the first stage of the review, with the second stage to include an examination of the responses and if necessary, engage directly with stakeholders to ask questions arising out of written responses.

In the third stage of the review, Clayton Utz and Deloitte, who have been commissioned to conduct the exercise, will prepare a final report for Minister for Digital and Customer Service Victor Dominello.

The Minister is expected to table the findings of the review in each House of Parliament by December 1.

Closing date for submissions is August 2.

Click here for the discussion paper.