SIRA consults on coronavirus-related claims
The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) says it is consulting on a standard of practice that will set expectations for insurers handling COVID-19 related workers’ compensation claims.
“SIRA aims to issue tailored guidance on management of these claims and support for workers through their recovery and return to work,” it says in an update.
As of Friday, SIRA had been advised of a total of 204 COVID-19 related claims and notifications of injury.
Laws for disease-related claims require that employment is the main contributing factor to the worker contracting the virus. Insurers may accept provisional liability as they assess the individual circumstances of each situation.
“SIRA is closely supervising how insurers are handling these claims,” the regulator says.
The authority also announced last week that two new vocational programs intended to support injured road users, workers and employers during the COVID-19 crisis have been introduced.