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SA pledges $16 million to bushfire prevention

About $16.2 million will be invested over four years to tackle the growing threat of bushfires in SA, it was announced in the state budget.

The initiative, which will create more than 30 jobs, will expand the prescribed burning program and enable updated and more sophisticated mapping.

It will focus initially on the densely populated Mount Lofty Ranges region.

Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis says SA is one of the most fire-prone regions in the world.

“As the driest state on the driest inhabited continent, SA is at risk of not only more bushfires, but more complex bushfires,” he said. “Every outbreak has the potential to put lives at risk. We want to minimise fuel loads so the flames have nowhere to go.

“We also want to ensure our volunteers have the very best information at hand, to keep them and members of the public safe.”

Environment Minister Ian Hunter says prescribed burning is a vital tool.

“Extending prescribed burning beyond public lands to include high-risk areas on private lands, which will be done in consultation with the landowners and local [country fire] brigades, will make the incredible work our dedicated fire officers and emergency services personnel carry out safer and even more effective.”