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Reforms deliver faster payouts for asbestos victims

The average waiting time to process mesothelioma and other dust disease victims’ compensation claims in NSW has halved under State Government reforms.

Last September the state made changes to Dust Diseases Care (DDC) – part of Insurance & Care NSW – resulting in waiting times falling to just 66 days from 136.

DDC has also met the Government’s two-day target for considering and approving processed claims in all cases.

State Minister for Finance, Services and Property Dominic Perrottet says the reforms save precious time for victims and families.

“If you are diagnosed with a dust disease you need certainty and fast, efficient access to care and assistance – there is no excuse for bureaucratic delays at such a difficult time,” he said.

Karen Banton – the widow of asbestos disease advocate Bernie Banton, who died in 2007 – has commended the improvements.

“People in this situation have often just been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease – a terminal diagnosis that completely throws your life upside down,” she said.

“To have a determination made on your compensation application with such expediency makes a huge difference to people’s lives. You’re not left wondering for weeks on end, so families can have certainty much faster on their claims outcome.”

DDC is also pursuing programs to improve flexibility and care options for victims.

These include funding new research into the detection and treatment of dust diseases, supporting new immunology-focused treatments and offering metropolitan-based customers the choice of visiting their own local specialist physicians.

“Many people with occupational dust diseases are elderly and need choice and control in the way healthcare services are delivered to them,” Mr Perrottet said. “These reforms are about putting the customer at the centre of decision-making.”