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Queensland WorkCover gets a new board

Queensland’s new Liberal-National Party government has placed its stamp on the state’s WorkCover authority and its controlling body Q-COMP with the appointment of new boards to both organisations.

WorkCover is now chaired by former Law Council of Australia President Glenn Ferguson with new directors Justin O’Connor, Ian Winterburn, John Crittall, Ian Leavers, Barry Leahy and Melinda Bailey.

Only Ms Bailey, a finance and strategy specialist, has survived from the old board, which was chaired by Gladstone Ports Corporation Chairman Ian Brusasco and included union heavyweights Bill Ludwig and Ron Monaghan.

Q-COMP is now chaired by Telstra legal counsel Flavia Gobbo with Peter Dowling, Beres Wenck, Stephen Tait, David Harrison and Simon Blackwood taking board positions.

Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie says the new boards “will bring strong business and legal experience to the table”.

“This changing of the guard is an opportunity for the Government to better meet the needs of business and address increasing premiums.”

WorkCover Queensland covers 89% of the state’s employees.