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Queensland to boast lowest WorkCover rates

Queensland’s average premium rate for workers’ compensation will be the nation’s lowest when it falls 17% next financial year.

WorkCover Queensland Chairman Glenn Ferguson says the cut from $1.45 to $1.20 per $100 of wages follows reforms introduced last October.

Fraud penalties were increased and minor injuries excluded from common law damages claims.

Workers must have 5%-plus permanent impairment to lodge common law claims, while insurers must ensure such claimants have access to return-to-work programs.

Mr Ferguson says Queensland now has a return-to-work rate of 95.7%, and is the only state that continues to cover all staff travelling to and from work.

This year Queensland has introduced a simplified premium model and improved flexible payment options.

Premium rates in other states are: 1.29% in Victoria; 1.47% of wages in NSW; 1.66% in WA (falling to 1.556% next financial year); and 2.75% in SA.