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Regulatory & Government

Canberra to consult on claims exemption

25 February 2019

A consultation paper on removing the insurance claims handling exemption from the financial service definition is to be released this week as part of the Government’s response to the Hayne royal commission’s recommendations…

AFCA given more power on legacy complaints

25 February 2019

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority will start reviewing legacy financial complaints dating back to 2008, after the Government extended its remit by 12 months…

APRA to maintain core focus: Byres

25 February 2019

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s primary focus will remain the overall safety and stability of the financial system, despite the extra responsibilities the Hayne royal commission has recommended, Chairman Wayne Byres says…

ASIC applauds whistleblower laws

25 February 2019

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has welcomed stronger whistleblower laws allowing it to better investigate and prosecute misconduct…

IMF hails APRA industry oversight

25 February 2019

The prudential regulator has welcomed a report by the International Monetary Fund backing its handling of the financial system…

Facebook probe threatens insurance data: ICA

18 February 2019

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has been warned its inquiry into the market power of Facebook and Google could harm the insurance industry…

EQC building cap raised

18 February 2019

The New Zealand Earthquake Commission’s cap for residential building cover will increase from $NZ100,000 to $NZ150,000 later this year…

ICNZ renews push for action on climate crisis

18 February 2019

The Insurance Council of New Zealand has again called for more funding of mitigation measures as climate change increasingly produces erratic and extreme weather events…

Ministers back combustible cladding ban

11 February 2019

Building ministers at federal and state levels have agreed in principle to ban “unsafe” combustible cladding materials in new construction projects…

Treasury consults on disclosure

04 February 2019

The general insurance industry has until the end of this month to respond to a Treasury discussion document on improving disclosure in general insurance…