Regulatory & Government
10 October 2022
The Australian Lawyers Alliance has told a NSW Parliamentary committee inquiry that the state workers’ compensation scheme is failing people with psychological injuries...
10 October 2022
NSW’s State Insurance Regulatory Authority will collaborate with the Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association to help people with psychological injuries return to work...
10 October 2022
NSW workers’ compensation insurer icare has elevated its focus on psychological injuries under a reset involving the appointment of an expanded panel of six claims and injury management service providers...
10 October 2022
Workplace mental health claims in Victoria are projected to worsen further, doubling at current rates to make up a third of all WorkSafe claims by the end of the decade, the state’s workplace health and safety regulator said today to mark World Mental Health Day...
10 October 2022
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority says it is working with the Federal Government, and peer regulators on a regulatory change aimed at protecting financial services customers affected by the Optus data breach...
10 October 2022
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has released its insurance interim solvency standard, which takes account of upcoming changes to accounting rules...
03 October 2022
The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has released revised premium rates for the cyclone pool after completing a consultation on initial levels that highlighted concerns in WA and with some strata buildings...
03 October 2022
New Zealand has called for submissions on proposed legislation introduced into Parliament that maintains an insurance-based levy to fund fire and emergency services while making changes to improve its operation...
03 October 2022
The Australian Law Reform Commission has put forward proposals to reorganise and clean-up financial services laws, with the current system likened to a poorly built house...
03 October 2022
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission says it’s putting the onus on financial firms to improve their performance in delivering fair and timely remediations in cases where money is owed to wronged consumers...
03 October 2022
Treasury has released for consultation its exposure draft legislation for the Consumer Data Right scheme to enable initiation action, which would create a new channel for consumers to instruct a business to initiate actions on their behalf and with their consent...
03 October 2022
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has announced it will allow exceptions for insurers to provide notifications in instances where it creates the risk of family violence...
03 October 2022
Treasury has released a discussion paper as part of its ongoing review of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission industry funding model...
03 October 2022
The prudential regulator has finalised capital and reporting framework changes in response to the introduction of Australian Accounting Standards Board 17 Insurance Contracts, the new accounting rule that will take effect next year...
26 September 2022
The Federal Government has appointed Brendan Moon as the first Coordinator-General for the new National Emergency Management Agency...
26 September 2022
The third quarterly update on NSW state insurer icare’s improvement program has been published by independent assurer Promontory Australia...
26 September 2022
The Queensland Government has released a new five-year strategy to improve the state’s capacity to deal with natural disasters and climate change...
26 September 2022
Construction is under way on a new $8 million Fire Control and Emergency Operations Centre to improve emergency response to fire and floods in the Hawkesbury region of NSW...
19 September 2022
Treasury is seeking submissions for exposure draft Minister Rules for the Financial Accountability Regime...
19 September 2022
Primary producers affected by the February/March flood event in NSW can access up to $100,000 to restore production systems and rebuild essential infrastructure to better withstand future disasters...