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Regulatory & Government

COMMENT: No cause for applause

03 May 2010

While the associations covering the investment end of financial services have much to be happy about in the Henry report and the Federal Government’s response, the enthusiastic initial…

New Zealand to set up super-regulator

03 May 2010

The NZ Government will fast-track the development of a new super-regulator to oversee financial markets following the failure of a succession of local finance companies…

Insurance anxiety over tax review

27 April 2010

Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner is giving nothing away ahead of the Federal Government’s belated response to the Henry Tax review, saying nothing can be ruled out before its release…

Inquiry looks at disability insurance scheme

19 April 2010

The Productivity Commission has begun an inquiry into a long-term disability care and support system that will examine the merits of a social no-fault insurance scheme…

Former Lombard directors face charges

19 April 2010

New Zealand’s Securities Commission has laid charges against the directors of Lombard Finance & Investments, the failed NZ finance firm whose parent shell has since been acquired…

APRA set to tighten insurers’ capital rules

12 April 2010

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has foreshadowed tough new regulatory capital standards, with local insurers facing terms that are “broadly consistent” with banks…

ASIC releases PI requirements

12 April 2010

Credit licensees will be required to hold PI cover for up to $2 million per claim under regulatory guidance released by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

Victorian inquiry outlines regulatory burden

12 April 2010

A Victorian inquiry into regulation barriers within the financial services sector has identified insurance tax as a concern, but is unlikely to address the issue…

Fire services levy under attack in NZ

29 March 2010

Insurance industry moves to kill off the fire services levy system have spread to New Zealand with Insurance Council of NZ CEO Chris Ryan describing the current system as “broken”…

Critics attack public sector insurance appointment

29 March 2010

The appointment of former Federal ALP senator Robert Ray to a senior public sector insurance role in Victoria has raised eyebrows among critics who claim he lacks industry experience…

ACCC says no to energy co-insurance scheme

29 March 2010

The competition watchdog has ruled against a proposal by NSW Government-owned electricity generators and future private stakeholders to utilise a co-insurance scheme…