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Regulatory & Government

SIRA assesses NSW CTP profits 

26 June 2023

NSW’s State Insurance Regulatory Authority has reached the second stage in its annual assessment of compulsory third party insurer profit...

FMA releases guidelines on intermediated distribution 

26 June 2023

New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko has released final guidelines for financial institutions that distribute products and services through intermediaries as part of the Conduct of Financial Institutions regime...

ASIC launches cyber resilience survey 

19 June 2023

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has launched a survey to assess the cyber resilience of Australia’s corporate and financial markets...

APRA finalises insurer reporting standards 

19 June 2023

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has finalised the reporting standards for insurers impacted by the introduction of the Australian Accounting Standards Board 17 Insurance Contracts...

Sales-based remuneration drives misconduct, says Hayne

05 June 2023

Former High Court judge Kenneth Hayne, who led the royal commission into financial services sector misconduct, has warned of a “bad apples” multiplier effect from errant behaviour as he revisited key themes that emerged during his inquiry in 2018...

APRA, ASIC capability report to go to minister this month

05 June 2023

The Financial Regulator Assessment Authority’s latest report on the effectiveness and capability of Australia's financial services regulators is to be provided to the relevant government minister this month and tabled in parliament...