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Regulatory & Government

TIO sale was inevitable, Senate hears

23 February 2015

The Territory Insurance Office had a high concentration of risk and could not compete against national insurers, a Federal Senate committee has heard…

Payday lender fined over ‘useless’ credit insurance

23 February 2015

The Federal Court has imposed record penalties totalling $18.975 million against failed payday lender The Cash Store and its loan funder, including fines for the sale of “useless” consumer credit insurance…

Insurers back WA no-fault CTP

23 February 2015

Insurers support the introduction of a no-fault compulsory third party scheme in WA, but say it must be consistent and fair…

NZ motor vehicle levies to drop

23 February 2015

New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation will reduce its average annual motor vehicle levy from $330 to $195 from July 1…

APRA looks to save $20 million cutting red tape

23 February 2015

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority aims to make regulatory cost savings of $20.97 million for insurers and other industry sectors, after launching a review last year…

Victoria reviews WorkSafe, TAC

09 February 2015

The Victorian Government will hold a review aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of WorkSafe and the Transport Accident Commission…

Frydenberg to address ICA seminar

09 February 2015

The industry will get its first indication of how new Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg views insurance on February 27 at the Insurance Council of Australia’s regulatory seminar…

Terrorism pool cuts capacity

09 February 2015

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has reduced its capacity after cutting this year’s retrocession program to save money…

WA’s proposed no-fault CTP ‘too expensive’

09 February 2015

Concerns have been raised about the cost of WA’s proposed no-fault compulsory third party scheme, which Premier Colin Barnett has hinted will be introduced in this year’s state budget…