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NZ fire service submissions make ‘clear message for change’

The New Zealand Government’s Fire Services Review has received 230 submissions, and Internal Affairs Minister Peter Dunne says “a clear message for change” has emerged.

The review is examining ways to modernise the service, including funding options.

The main source of funding currently is a fire services levy collected by insurance companies or brokers when customers take out fire cover on their properties.

The review discussion document says the levy does not reflect the total risk of fire, and people who do not take out fire insurance do not contribute.

The charge can also be confusing to calculate and difficult to forecast.

“I am keen to keep stakeholders involved as we work through the best way to achieve greater co-ordination and integration, and better support for our firefighters,” Mr Dunne said in a statement.

“In this regard, consultation on this issue will be ongoing.”

Submissions will be analysed before being published on the review website in about a month.

A paper will be taken to the Cabinet for a decision by the end of the year.