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NTC seeks feedback on driverless car laws

The National Transport Commission (NTC) wants road transport agencies, police and industry to comment on how driver laws should be changed to allow automated vehicles onto the roads.

A new discussion paper seeks to clarify how current laws apply to automated vehicles, and who would be legally responsible for new vehicles’ operation.

NTC CEO Paul Retter says any new legislation must recognise automated driving systems while ensuring safe operation of vehicles on roads. Current driving laws assume the driver is human.

“Legislation must recognise a legal entity that can be held responsible for the automated driving system,” Mr Retter said.

The key question is whether driving laws should change to allow an automated driving system to drive – rather than a human – and ensure an entity is responsible for the vehicle’s actions when the system is driving.

The NTC will present reform options to transport ministers next May.

Submissions are open until 4pm on November 24. Click here.