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NSW WorkCover denies laggard lawsuits

NSW WorkCover has denied it’s taking more businesses to court for non-payment of their premiums.

A spokesman told the authority only takes employers to court as a last resort.

“It is WorkCover NSW’s policy that liquidation or bankruptcy of an employer is the last option for recovering debt after all other avenues for payment of outstanding premiums have been exhausted,” he said.

“Where payments are consistently ignored, scheme agents may initiate proceedings to recover funds owed to the WorkCover scheme.”

Recently more winding-up notices against NSW companies by WorkCover have appeared in national newspapers, with 18 published in one day alone during January.

“The timely and efficient collection of premiums is a significant factor in the successful and effective operation of the NSW WorkCover scheme,” the spokesman said.  

“Employers who don’t pay their fair share disadvantage those who pay the correct amount. It also means that other employers ultimately pay more.”

The authority has said it will consider waiving late payment fees or offering extended payment options for businesses affected by the floods in January.