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NSW legislation sets out icare responsibilities 

The NSW Parliament has passed legislation that sets out icare’s obligations and provides Treasury with powers to support improved transparency. 

“Putting clearly defined goals in legislation for icare will give the agency a clear direction for the future and is yet another step towards restoring workers’ faith and trust in icare,” Industrial Relations and Work Health and Safety Minister Sophie Cotsis said. 

The objectives introduced into the State Insurance and Care Governance (SICG) Act 2015 include that icare must maintain the affordability of cover as well as the efficiency and viability of all the schemes it administers. 

The state-run insurer must focus on providing access to treatment and care that helps injured people get back to work and other activities in the community, and should promote efficiency, transparency and accountability in the conduct of its operations. 

Transparency and oversight of icare will be promoted with power given to the Treasurer and Treasury to request certain information from the insurer, the Government says. 

The amendments also improve the way public interest directions are given to icare’s board by the Minister clarifying the advice the Minister must request from the board. 

icare provides workers’ compensation for about 330,000 business and 3.4 million workers in NSW, managing about 60,000 new claims each year.