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NSW laws now protect owners from apartment defects

New laws to protect NSW apartment owners against defective works came into effect at the start of this month.

The Residential Apartment Buildings Act, which was passed in June, is part of the NSW Government’s moves to reform the troubled industry and restore public confidence.

It provides authorities with a range of powers including ordering the rectification of any serious defects and recovery of the associated cost.

Authorities are also empowered to carry out on-the-spot inspections of buildings of up to six years old, and in some cases up to 10 years old. They also can withhold an occupation certificate if a building is not up to standard.

NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler says the new laws send a clear signal to the construction sector that sub-standard projects will not be tolerated.

“Our sights are set on the small percentage of industry players who aren’t doing the right thing,” Mr Chandler said. “Whether you are a builder cutting corners, or a certifier passing work that isn’t good enough [you can] expect action from our new team of inspectors.”