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NSW announces independent floods inquiry

An independent inquiry into the NSW flooding catastrophe will examine factors contributing to the disaster as well as land use planning and building standards in exposed locations, Acting Premier Paul Toole said today.

Mr Toole says the inquiry will also look at issues such as financial support, community engagement and longer-term community rebuilding, and it will consider appropriate actions to adapt to future flood risks.

“We have always said we will take whatever action we can to improve our management of natural disasters, and this inquiry is an important step in that process,” Mr Toole said.

“No two floods are the same and there is no formulaic response, but when it comes to natural disasters, we can never be too prepared."

The inquiry will be led by the state’s former chief scientist and engineer Mary O’Kane and former NSW police commissioner Michael Fuller.

“The reviewers will travel to and consult directly with affected communities, and details of public consultation and submission-making opportunities will be published soon,” Mr Toole said.

The inquiry will report to the Premier on causation, land use planning and management and related matters by June 30 and on all other matters by September 30.