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New bushfire rules to allow land clearing

The Victorian Government will allow residents in bushfire-prone areas to fell trees surrounding their homes to help avoid a repeat of the Black Saturday disaster.

The “10/30 right” allows homeowners to clear any vegetation on their own property without a permit. Trees may be felled within 10 metres of a house while ground fuel may be cleared within 30 metres.

Previously residents were required to get permits for any clearing of trees. New amendments to the Victorian Planning Provisions also allow for targeted roadside burns in high-risk areas.

The changes, scheduled to be in force by summer, apply across Victoria – with the exception of 20 councils in metropolitan Melbourne.

Many people were critical of clearing limitations after the devastating February 7 bushfires razed 2029 homes, killing 173 people. Approximate insured losses from the disaster amounted to $1.07 billion.