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National OHS system faces uphill battle: lawyer

A leading occupational health and safety (OHS) lawyer says a national streamlined OHS system is still some way off, despite publication of a final report.

The report of the panel on the national review into model occupational health and safety laws was released last week.

It calls for streamlined risk management provisions including robust personal liability provisions and due diligence to ensure proper hazard and risk identification.

Both employers and staff will be asked to contribute to enhanced risk management systems.

Deacons law firm Partner Mike Hammond told the recommendations can work but “there is a lot of water to go under the bridge” before a national OHS system can be introduced.

He said a national system requires the buy-in of all states, but Liberal-led Western Australia is unlikely to support the measures.

“I think it will require one more election win before this gets up,” Mr Hammond said.

Workplace Relations Minister Julia Gillard announced a national review into model OHS laws in April last year to investigate a national system capable of promoting greater business efficiency.