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National emergency plans on track

The Federal Government says Australia’s resilience to disasters has been strengthened by “key achievements” over the past 12 months.

A meeting in Melbourne on June 29 of the Standing Council on Police and Emergency Management found a “nationally consistent” methodology for disaster risk assessment has been agreed, improved hazard mapping measures have been put in place and the National Disaster Resilience Communication Strategy has been developed over the past year.

The meeting was attended by Australian and New Zealand ministers for police and emergency management and an Australian Local Government Association representative.

A communiqué issued after the meeting says a review on the effectiveness of disaster relief and recovery payments has been completed and a national disaster discussion exercise program agreed. An annual forum will be held to look at new technologies in the sector.

Ministers noted the need for further work to be done on the use and publication of statewide “risk registers” as an important means of communicating risk information to the general public.

The council also discussed improvements necessary in the consideration of natural disaster hazards in land use planning and building code regulation.