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Lismore flood victims ‘won’t be forgotten’

New NSW Emergency Services Minister Jihad Dib has told Lismore residents that they “won’t be forgotten” on his first trip to the flood-devastated region since his appointment to the role.  

Mr Dib, who was joined by Lismore MP Janelle Saffin, visited the region to “personally assure” people impacted by last year’s historic flooding that ongoing recovery and reconstruction projects will remain a priority for the newly appointed Labor Government. 

“I came here a week after the floods and have visited the area many times since. I gave my word that I would return so it’s important for me to be here again as Minister,” Mr Dib said. 

“I’m inspired by the strength of the people in and around the Lismore area who, having lived through the worst flooding event in our modern history, are still pitching in to help their community as they continue their recovery.

“The people of the Northern Rivers won’t be forgotten by the NSW Government and we will be doing all we can to help this beautiful region recover, build back better and develop plans to mitigate similar disasters from happening again.”  

The floods damaged more than 10,000 properties, with around 1000 people still in temporary housing more than a year later.  

The NSW Government has committed to several grants and relief programs dedicated to rebuilding communities in the region. 

“Our recovery and reconstruction has a long way to go and it’s important to know that the people of the Northern Rivers are a priority for the new NSW Government,” Ms Saffin said. 

“The community effort has been phenomenal from day one, and now we need a phenomenal effort from the new Government to pick up the pace on disaster preparedness, reconstruction and the economic recovery of our region.”