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Kell and Tanzer return to ASIC

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is set to beef up its protection of consumers with the return of experienced regulators Greg Tanzer and Peter Kell as commissioners.

Mr Tanzer will rejoin ASIC on January 23 after a four-year stint as Secretary-General of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions. He was previously ASIC’s Executive Director of International and Consumer Protection.

Peter Kell will return to ASIC on November 7 after three years as Deputy Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

He was an executive director for consumer protection at ASIC in the early 2000s before becoming CEO at consumer group Choice.

ASIC Chairman Greg Medcraft says the new appointments “will replenish ASIC’s leadership at the commissioner level”.

No specific roles have yet been assigned to the new commissioners.