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Insurers want a say in NSW taskforce

The insurance industry associations are hoping to play a role in the NSW Government’s taskforce on professional services.

The taskforce has been formed to grow the sector, but its board has no representatives from the general or life insurance industries.

National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) Dallas Booth told “a lot of insurance industry expertise is based in NSW”.

“People should not underestimate the amount of expertise we have here in NSW,” he said. “Our broker networks offer expertise on many areas and we have all bases covered.”

An Insurance Council of Australia spokesman says it hopes to work with the taskforce.

“We are confident that we will be able to adequately represent the industry’s interests and make a meaningful contribution to the taskforce through the consultation and submission process as outlined by the NSW Government,” the spokesman said.

Mr Booth says NIBA is “keen to assist the taskforce and explain the role of brokers at every opportunity”.

The NSW Government has created a website so businesses can make submissions to the taskforce by November 25.

Mr Booth says if the Government succeeds in attracting more business to NSW there will be an increasing demand for insurance.