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Insurers offer COVID vaccine rollout assistance

Some of Australia’s largest insurers are keen to set up workplace vaccine programs as the nation races to get jabs in arms to reduce reliance on lockdowns to control the spread of COVID-19.

The Insurance Council of Australia  (ICA) says it welcomes National Cabinet’s plan to set vaccination targets to ease restrictions as “an important step towards providing certainty” for employers and  employees.

“The ICA has surveyed its members regarding their approaches to assisting with the vaccine rollout  and provided this information to the National Vaccine Taskforce,” a spokesman said.

“Many members are interested in facilitating  workplace vaccine programs  similar to  the annual flu shot once they  are able to  access this  via registered medical providers.

“The vaccine rollout is  a  large  and complex undertaking in a rapidly evolving environment and the ICA will continue to engage with stakeholders and other industry bodies on this issue.”

Suncorp and Allianz told last week that they would consider workplace vaccination schemes.

Other insurers including IAG and QBE have introduced new measures to encourage staff to get vaccinated.

“In June,  QBE  introduced COVID-19 vaccination leave, allowing our people to take paid time off to receive each dose of their chosen vaccine,” a QBE spokeswoman said.

“This is in addition to our COVID-19 special leave, offering an additional 10 paid days of leave for those who have contracted the virus, those who must self-isolate and cannot work, or those who care for a dependant affected or disrupted by the virus.”