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icare return-to-work rate holds steady at 83.7%

NSW state insurer icare says the key 26-week return-to-work rate has held steady while its net promoter score has continued a rise that began last year.

The most-recent monthly data shows the return-to-work rate was 83.7% in May, compared with 83.8% in April. The rate had fallen to around 81% in the middle of 2019 and had been as high as 88% in mid 2018.

The net promotor score for workers insurance was +18, up from +17 in the previous month, as it continued to rise from +11 recorded in October and November last year.

The latest figures include new data on liability decisions, showing on average it took 5.9 days for a decision, while 98% were made within seven days.

icare had 48,167 active claims and made total claims payments for workers’ insurance of $229.8 million during the month. That included $99.7 million in weekly claim payments and $56.9 million in medical claim payments.

The insurer last week said it had appointed Melanie Howard-McDonald as its new Customer Advocate, taking over from Darrin Wright who finished in the role earlier this year.

Ms Howard-McDonald was previously AMP Customer Advocate. Prior to that she held other senior roles at AMP Group, and was Deputy General Counsel and Head of Marketing Legal Team at Vodafone.