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ICA to have say on tax reform

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has been invited to take part in the Federal Government’s tax forum in October.

GM Policy, Economics and Taxation Directorate Alex Sanchez will represent the industry as one of 184 hand-picked delegates from across the country.

The forum will be held in Canberra on October 4-5 giving individuals, government bodies and businesses the chance to have a final say on taxation reform.

Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten says the discussions will provide an important opportunity for the Government to get “a broad cross-section of views for the next steps on Australia’s road to tax reform”.

Mr Sanchez told he will use the opportunity to address the state of insurance taxes, especially taking into consideration the Henry Review which recommended the abolition of such taxes.

He says the fact that ICA has been chosen to take part in the forum is a “real feather in the industry’s cap”.